audio-visual exhibition
vita. critiques the objectification of women’s bodies and explores femininity and the complexity of human emotion. The exhibition includes ethnographic photographs from the private collection of Filip Petkovski, portraits by Žarko Čulić, and a short movie directed by Filip Petkovski.
Camera and photography: Žarko Čulić | Montage: Kiril Manchevski | Design: Ivana Mojsovska and Filip Petkovski | Models: Ana Mojsovska, Natalija Teodosieva, Mimi Pop-Aleksova, Anastasija Danchevska, Slagjana Vujosevik, Simona Spirovska, Natasha Petrović and Dolores Popović.
Exhibited at: The Youth Cultural Center (MKC), Skopje- Macedonia, 26.10-01.11.2020 | The Museum of the city of Bitola, Bitola- Macedonia, 25.07-05.08.2021 | Jordan H.K. Dzinot Theater, Veles- Macedonia, 05.08-15.08.2021 | Velvet Moon Gallery, Montreuil- France, 16.09-23.09.2021 | Paris Anim’ Les Halles Gallery, Paris- France, 25.10-09.11.2021 | Photo Vogue Festival (Vogue Italia), Milan- Italy, 18.11-21.11.2021.
Bazaar is an editorial shoot for the Skopje-based "Portret" fashion magazine in which I used traditional costumes from my own personal collection in order to pay homage to the plurality of cultural expressions, the fashion, and the life of the people who roamed through the streets of the Old Bazaars in Macedonia, in the past, and in the present.
Concept and styling: Filip Petkovski | Video and photography: Žarko Čulić | Editing: Kiril Manchevski | Models: Tamara Ristoska, Maylinda Kosumovic, Emra Kurtishova, Borjan Ristovski, Ilija Ilievski, Yetkin Sezair and Deniz Rustemi.
Skopje, 2021