Walking and other choreographic choices (2023)
Inspired by the seminal work entitled Choreographing Empathy: Kinesthesia in Performance by the most accomplished theoretician of contemporary dance—Susan Foster, this performance in six parts critically and bodily examines the process of creating choreography. Using walking as the most basic human movement from which bodily structuring begins and is born, the performance criticizes the need for a spectacle based on a complex dance vocabulary and superhuman training in order for dance to be promulgated and considered high art. The performance also questions the dependence of humans on artificial intelligence and signaling to direct human movement "on the right path." Guided by such ideas and theories, choreography should not be exempted from the political, scientific, and philosophical perceptions and uses of the body. Rather, choreography should both reflect and inform the changing views of anatomy, self-perception, and the structure of empathy.
Directed and choreographed by: Filip Petkovski | Performers: Mimi Pop Alexova, Dejan Bitrovski, Sara Cvetkovska, David Nikolovski, and Borjan Ristovski | Music: David Nikolovski, Viktor Filipovski, and Gorjan Stojmenovski, Sashko Kostov, Filip Petkovski | Costume design: Antonija Guginska Jordanoska | Camera and photography: Marko Marjanovikj | Design: Ivana Mojsovska | Video editing: Tamara Kotevska and Filip Petkovski | Produced by: The National Opera and Ballet
Skopje, 2023
Populus (2022)
Populus is a dance theater performance, choreographed and directed by Filip Petkovski, that is inspired by the traditional dances, as well as social transformation rituals and Slavic myths and legends. The basis and inspiration of the choreographic work are the social dances of Macedonians, Albanians, Turks, and Roma that are synthesized in a contemporary and original product, made through a research process in which the dancers and the choreographer aimed to explore what unites these communities, instead of emphasizing what makes them different.
Choreographed and directed by: Filip Petkovski | Dancers: Teodora Gjorgieva, Stefanija Manevska, Marija Sazdovska, Sara Cvetkovska, Jovana Zajkova, Deni Sinadinovski, Antonio Stojčeski i Balazs Löcsei | Costume design: Antonija Guginska Jordanovska, Maja Gjureska i Gordana Božinovska| Music by: Duke Bojadzhiev, Vlatko Stefanovski, Ljubojna, Boris Harfman, Hrvoje Crnić, Miroslav Tadić, DakhaBrakha, Mobile Soul System | Video and photography: Marko Marjanović | Graphic design: Ivana Mojsovska.
Skopje, 2022

by Adrijana Danchevska
"Sadness is very dangerous. And rage even more. A girl dreaming about the baby she lost. Fantasy through her poetry. Final cut, consensus reality. Here to relive everything."
Director & Choreographer: Adrijana Danchevska | Visuals: Ivana Mojsovska | Camera: Marko Marjanovic, Teo Angelovski | Photography: Marko Marjanovic | Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Viktor Filipovski, Fierce, Bojan Filipovski | Poetry: Charles Baudelaire, Petre M. Andreevski | Post production: Adrijana Danchevska, Teo Angelovski, Ivana Mojsovska | Costumes: Adrijana Danchevska, Ivana Mojsovska | Performers: Dejan Bitrovski, Anastasija Danchevska, Sara Cvetkovska, Natalija Teodosieva, Ivana Mojsovska, Adrijana Danchevska, Filip Petkovski, Stela Popovska, Renata Nestorovska, Ivan Angelkovski, Aleksandra Velkova
Produced by Skopje Dance Theater, 2020

Between 2009-2013, I was a principal dancer at The Duquesne University Tamburitzans, an ensemble for Eastern European dance heritage, based in Pittsburgh, PA, where I worked with various choreographers from Eastern Europe and performed over 300 shows in the US and Canada, including the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and Symphony Space on Broadway.
Taught dance workshops and classes (selection):
01/2020 | Workshop on Macedonian dance rhythms, at Horovodna Sreshta, San Marcos. Instructor.
01/2018 | Workshop on Macedonian dance rhythms, at Los Angeles Ballet. Instructor.
12/2017 | Workshop on Croatian dance heritage, at L.I.F.E. Balkan Dancers, Los Angeles. Instructor.
03/2017 | Macedonian dance heritage workshop, at Café Aman, Los Angeles. Instructor.
06/2015 | Macedonian folk dances and their stage adaptation, at The National Ensemble of Folk Dances and Songs of Serbia KOLO, Belgrade. Instructor.
08/2014 | Macedonian traditional dances workshop, at the ensemble Dimitrije Koturović, Belgrade. Instructor.
02/2014 | Lecture and dance workshop on dance in the Balkans, at the Dance Department at Roehampton University, London. Instructor.
11/2013 | Balkan dance workshop, at the department for Norwegian folk dances, Trondheim. Instructor.
05/2013 | Workshop on traditional dances from Croatia, Serbia, and Bulgaria, at the National Music and Ballet Center, Skopje. Instructor.